
We are glad for your support is a publishing platform for personal software creation. We focus on assisting developers to complete their software projects more simply and quickly with our libraries.

For the continuous operation of the website and the development of new projects, we are happy to accept various types of sponsorships for from supporters. You can express your support for in the following ways.

You can support us in the following ways


You can donate to us to cover the operating expenses of, Here is how to donate via Paypal.

Donate once

If you want to donate once, you can refer to the following.

  1. Click Donate once
  2. Enter donation amount and click Continue

    Doante noce

  3. Login to Paypal,If you don't have a Paypal account,Please click Checkout as Guest or Pay with Card.

    Pay with Card

  4. Enter the necessary information
  5. Finish

Donate $10 USD every month

If you want to donate a fixed amount to us every month, you can refer to the following.

  1. Click Donate monthly
  2. Login to Paypal. If you don't have a Paypal account, Please click Checkout as Guest or Pay with Card.

    Donate monthly

  3. Enter the necessary information
  4. Finish

Other donation options


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2.Support free web hosting

Our current website space is a shared web hosting in which the performance is low, connection speed is unstable. We hope that free, high-performance, and fast connection speed cloud hosting to improve connection instability and improve website speed.

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3.Promote the site

Supporting can also promote the website on major social networking sites, and share it immediately below.

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4. Others

If you have other cooperation or suggestions, you can also contact us through the contact form.

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